About the Seminars

The seminars are organized by Dr Silvia Seghezzi, on behalf of the Department of Psychological Sciences Birkbeck, University of London.

The talks take place on Wednesdays from 1 to 2pm, in the Malet Street building of Birkbeck. All talks are also broadcast online, using Teams. If you would like to join online, please contact Silvia by email (s.seghezzi @ bbk.ac.uk) for the link.

Sandwiches are provided from 12:30 in the room, and attendees are encouraged to stay in the room after the talk for an informal chat. The audience is typically a mixture of students, postdocs and faculty from cognitive and developmental traditions employing neuroscience, behavioural and computational approaches.

Anyone wishing to book a one-on-one meeting with the speaker is very welcome to do so, and can contact Silvia (s.seghezzi @ bbk.ac.uk) by email to arrange.

Psychological Sciences Seminars