Here at the Brain and Behaviour Lab we are always looking for volunteers to participate in our experiments. So if you are a healthy person, aged 18 or over, we would very much like to hear from you.

What will you be doing?
Basically you will be sitting in front of a computer screen doing a simple task. For example: On the screen you see a triangle flashing in different colors, every time the triangle turns blue you press a button (this is a very basic example). In most of our experiments we measure your EEG (electroencephalogram). In order for us to do this, you need to wear a cap with electrodes on your head during the experiment. We then monitor your brain’s responses (no, we will not be able to read your thoughts) while you are doing the computer task. We use the same equipment to do this as is used in hospitals for monitoring patients.

How long will it take?
On average an experiment takes about 2.5 to 3 hours. About half an hour is needed to put the cap on and ensure that a good measurement is possible. Also, you will want to wash your hair afterwards, to remove the left-behind bits of conductive gel from your hair. We have a hand-held shower, clean towels, hair-care products etc. for you to use.
We pay each participant £8 per hour in cash and you can also get a photo of yourself with the cap on. We do not pay for your traveling expenses.
Who are we looking for?
We are looking for healthy people aged 18 or over. The experiments take place in small cabins and for this reason it is not wise to take part in an experiment if you are claustrophobic.
It is important to be fit and well-rested when you take part in an EEG experiment. Also, it helps if you do not use any hair-care products like conditioner, oils or wax in your hair. Finally, if you are wearing contact lenses but also have a pair of spectacles you could wear, it is advisable to bring your spectacles, because some participants complain of dry eyes when they are doing our experiments.
The cap
The electrodes we use to record the EEG are fitted in a cap, which looks like a bathing cap with a lot of wires coming out. To make a good contact between the skin and the electrodes we clean the skin underneath the electrodes with some alcohol and then fill the electrode with a conductive paste (this is a completely harmless saline solution). Some of this paste will be left behind in your hair after we take the cap off, so you will probably want to wash your hair afterwards and we have all the necessary facilities in our lab.
If you are interested in taking part then please contact our lab manager at