This page provides the source code for various published models:
- Caso, A., & Cooper, R. P. (2021). Executive Functions in Aging: An Experimental and Computational Study of the Wisconsin Card Sorting and Brixton Spatial Anticipation Tests. Experimental Aging Research. (37 pages.)
- Guest, O., Caso, A. & Cooper, R. P. (2020). On Simulating Neural Damage in Connectionist Networks. Computational Brain & Behavior, 3, 289-321.
- Caso, A. & Cooper, R. P. (2020). A neurally plausible schema-theoretic approach to modelling cognitive dysfunction and neurophysiological markers in Parkinson’s Disease. Neuropsychologia, 140, 107359. (19 pages.)
- Cooper, R. P., Byde, C., de Cecilio, R., Fulks, C., & Morais, D. (2018). Set-shifting and place-keeping as separable control processes. Cognitive Psychology, 105, 53-80.
- Cooper, R. P. (2016). Executive functions and the generation of “random” sequential responses: A computational account. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 73, 153-168. Source code in C; Data files
- Cooper, R. P., Ruh, N., & Mareschal, D. (2014). The Goal Circuit Model: A hierarchical multi-route model of the acquisition and control of routine sequential action in humans. Cognitive Science, 38, 244-274. Source code in C
- Cooper, R. P., Cook, R., Dickinson, A., & Heyes, C. M. (2013): Associative (not Hebbian) learning and the mirror neuron system. Neuroscience Letters, 540, 28-36. Source code in C
- Cooper, R. P. & Davelaar, E. J. (2012): Modelling the correlation between two putative inhibition tasks: A simulation approach. In Salvucci, D. & Gunzelmann, G. (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Cognitive Modelling. pp. 31-36. Drexel University: Philadelphia, PA, USA. Source code in C
- Cooper, R. P. (2009): Extending the contention scheduling model of routine action selection: The Wisconsin Card Sorting Task and frontal dysfunction. In Howes, A., Peebles, D., & Cooper, R. P. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Cognitive Modelling. Manchester, UK. pp. 198-203. April. Source code in C
- Cooper, R. P. (2007): Integrating Cognitive Systems: The COGENT Approach. In Gray, W. D. (eds.), Integrated Models of Cognitive Systems. pp. 414-427. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
- Cooper, R. P. (2007): Tool Use and Related Errors in Ideational Apraxia: The Quantitative Simulation of Patient Error Profiles. Cortex, 43, 319-337. Source code in C
- Cooper, R. P. & Shallice, T. (2006): Hierarchical schemas and goals in the control of sequential behaviour. Psychological Review, 113, 887-916. Source code in C
- Yule, P. & Cooper, R. P. (2003): Express: A web-based technology to support human and computational experimentation. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 35, 605-613.
- Cooper, R. P. (2002): Modelling High-Level Cognitive Processes. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Mahwah, NJ.
- Cooper, R. P. & Shallice, T. (2000): Contention Scheduling and the control of routine activities. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 17, 297-338. Source code in C