Academic Staff

Academic Staff

Academic Staff

Ron Balzan
PhD Student

Sam Blakeman
PhD Student

Eugene Buyaken
PhD Student

Andrea Caso
PhD Student

Ajitesh Ghose
PhD Student

Liusha He
PhD Student

Suzanne Pahlman
PhD Student
Departmental Collaborators
- Emiel Cracco (04/09/17 – 30/11/17), Gent University, Belgium.
- Wen Yuan (15/10/16 – 15/10/17), Beihang University, China.
- Nick Sexton (2013-2017): Human task switching and the role of inhibitory processes: A computational modelling and empirical approach (ESRC funded Ph.D. with Richard Cooper and Eddy Davelaar)
- Constantinos Mitsopoulos (2012-2016): Reinforcement learning approaches to the analysis of the emergence of goal-directed behaviour (EC Funded Ph.D. with Richard Cooper and Denis Mareschal)
- Dr. Caspar Addyman (2011-2015): (1) Dynamic systems models of the development of spatial working memory, and (2) Modelling temporal judgments across early development (PostDoc with Denis Mareschal and Robert French (Dijon)); Now at Goldsmiths, University of London.
- Mariam Sood (2011-2012): Modelling the supervisory system and frontal dysfunction: An architecturally grounded model of the Wisconsin Card Sorting task (M.Sc. with Richard Cooper)
- Hala Alireza (2010-2011): Simulating frontal brain damage in a computational model of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (M.Sc. with Richard Cooper)
- Olivia Guest (2010-2014): Modelling semantic impairments following neural damage (Ph.D. with Richard Cooper and Eddy Davelaar)
- Nadja Althaus (2006-2010): The impact of labels on infant category learning (Marie Curie funded Ph.D. with Denis Mareschal)
- Harry Purser (2006-2009): Using synthetic imaging to explore neural network representations (PostDoc with Denis Mareschal and Michael Thomas)
- Caspar Addyman (2005-2009): Rules and similarity in the development of categories in children and infants (EC funded Ph.D. with Denis Mareschal)
- Frank Baughman (2004-2005):The role of inhibition in young children’s performance on the Tower of London: A computational study (M.Sc. with Richard Cooper)
- Nicolas Ruh (2003-2007): Acquisition and control of routine sequential activities: Modelling and empirical studies (Ph.D. with Richard Cooper and Denis Mareschal)
- Robert Leech (2000-2004): A connectionist account of the development of analogical reasoning (ESRC funded Ph.D. with Denis Mareschal and Richard Cooper)
- Sylvian Sirois (2000-2002): A Neurocomputational model of infant habitutation (PostDoc with Denis Mareschal); Now at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.
- Gert Westermann (2001-2003): Dual memory models of early categorisation (PostDoc with Denis Mareschal); Now at University of Lancaster.
- Pete Yule (1996-2002): Development of the COGENT graphical cognitive modelling environment (PostDoc with Richard Cooper)